Hubert Frey



ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze dunkelgrün geschwungen

Von Carlos Frey 21.04.2021 um 19:45 Uhr | melden

Living a message this way makes me sad, because its 100% sure i wont get any answer. Your answers were all about your music taste, politics and how you loved nature. To be honest, my favorite one was always about music. Music has this power to connect people, even though they arent the same age or from the same culture. And i felt, even having this short time with you, that music was our connection. Im happy it was time enough to inherit at least this gigantic world of feelings you built over music, which is one of the major things that made who you were. I wish you all the best on this next journey, i wish you twice as much music you had throughout your whole life, like Caldera(sky island album, of course, that album is lovely), John john Mclaughlin, David Sanborn, Deep Forest, Pink Floyd and so on. I wish we can play boules together someday, in a place where theres a proper sandy field to play.

Vou sentir muito sua falta, mesmo!
Seu filho, Carlos.

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