Linda Bergjürgen


Haltern am See

ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze lila geschwungen
ein Song für Dich

Von Uwe 25.04.2019 um 14:57 Uhr | melden

All of the perfection nothing will and can be made
The old skin has to shed before the new one sees the day
Opportunities to find the deeper powers in ourselves
Comes when life is breathing and seems more than what it is

Go blindly completely...

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the Angels are coming

The kingdom of the fathers and the heroes where are you
I’m talking to you every night more than I should do
What awaits and when will be the day
When I can wear the cape
I’m lying on the ground as always, staring to the air

Go blindly completely

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the Angels are coming

The stars are long gone but we can still see their glow
Long after they’ve skidded off into oblivion

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the Angels are coming

(Volbeat, April 5th, 2013)

Liebe Linda, ich musste Ostern so oft an Dich denken beim Hören dieses Songs!

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