Hadis Najafi


Mehrshahr Karaj Iran
Friedhof Behesht Sakineh Karaj

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von English am 11.10.2022 - 01:59 Uhr | melden

Hadis Najafi was born on January 5, 2000 in Karaj. She was the fourth child in the family and had three older sisters and one younger brother. Her parents were born in Mianeh in East Azerbaijan Province. The family is of Iranian Azerbaijani ethnic background. Najafi had a diploma in fashion design and worked as a cashier in a restaurant in Mehrshahr, Karaj.
Najafi took part in Irans Mahsa Amini protests in September 2022, sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody, aimed at strengthening womens rights in Iran. She protested in Karaj. Najafi had no known previous involvement with activist causes and had not previously spoken openly about womens rights in Iran. On the night of September 21, she sent a video to a friend saying, "I like to think, if I think about it a few years later, Ill be glad I joined the protest." She left her house about thirty minutes before she died.

Najafi was shot dead on September 21, 2022 at around 8 p.m. on Eram Boulevard in Mehrshahr, Karaj. She was shot at least six times in the face, hand, neck, abdomen and heart. According to her family, she was hit by at least twenty bullets. According to the Iranian government, she was shot dead by protesters with weapons not used by police officers, a claim strongly disputed by Najafis own family, other activists and the international media. Instead, these parties blamed the shooting on government-backed security forces. After she was shot, Najafi was taken to Ghaem Hospital in Karaj, where she was pronounced dead. Official medical records released claimed she died of "brain swelling."
According to Najafis mother, her family were not allowed to see her at the hospital after she was shot because police officers prevented her from entering. They were only let in after a security guard took pity on them and told them that Najafis body was in the morgue. Radio Zamaneh published Nafajis death certificate and pictures of her injuries, and her death was later confirmed by Amnesty International and BBC Persian after contact with her family.
The authorities handed over Najafis body to her family for burial on 23 September. According to the family, she was pressured by the government to say she died of a heart attack. Najafis father was also reportedly drugged and pressured by security forces to say she died of natural causes.
Najafi was buried at Behesht-e Sakineh Cemetery on October 1. According to reports, security forces were present during the ceremony. Many women were also reportedly present, lighting candles and leaving roses at her grave. A picture of Najafi in a headscarf was used during the funeral service, which later drew criticism of her family on social media; Her mother later explained that the picture was not chosen on purpose and that it was the only picture available in the house at the time.
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Najafis death was shared on social media by Iranian-American journalist and activist Masih Alinejad. After Najafis death, a video purporting to show her tying her hair in a ponytail before joining the protests on the twilight of her life was circulated on social media, eventually including by international news outlets reporting on her death report, widespread. The video was later to show another woman attending the protests after BBC Persian was contacted by the woman who is actually in the video. This prompted some brief doubts as to whether Najafi had actually been killed, although they were quickly dispelled by further confirmations. The woman in the video told BBC Persian that she will continue to "fight for the mahsas and hadis".
Like Mahsa Amini before her, Hadis Najafi became a symbol and rallying point for the protests after her death, remembering her courage. Her TikTok and Instagram accounts became memorials and received an influx of people who liked and commented on her in support. There were also widespread tributes to Najafi on Twitter.
Najafis sister and mother spoke out publicly in support of her and blamed the Iranian government for her death. Source Wikipedia

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