Joshua Kirby


Caldwell County NC USA
Lenoir NC USA

ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze hellgrün Teddy
Eine Kerze für Joshua Kirby

Von Nina Hemb 26.11.2014 um 14:47 Uhr | melden

My condolences to the family. He was so young. What happened to him? Dear Joshua even if I do not know you, it makes me sad that you had to die. I think you were a great person. My little boy is also called Joshua. He is eleven years old. He has lost his father in 2013. His greatest desire is to come again to America. Now Im saving for a long time in order to fulfill his wish to. If it is times so far, we come to visit you at your place of rest. Until then .... God willing, I hope that youre okay, because where you are now. I wish your family lots and lots of power, confidence and love people who are at their side. I light a candle in the color green, which after all is hope for you to. The teddy is only for you .... pushing him, stop in solid, it is for you ..... love all unknown Regards Nina

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