Mostafa Kamal



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Eine Kerze für Mostafa Kamal

Von Sabir 07.12.2022 um 16:47 Uhr | melden

Hello to Mami, Sumon, Monera and all. I would like to add my words of love and respect for my uncle.

Helal Mama had always been so caring towards so many, many people. He was a man full of love and laughs, I remember very specific times during my childhood of being so happy when yall would come to visit because he would pull coins from my various face orifices. He was always making me laugh and smile so hard every single time with that same trick. He ALWAYS had a fresh batch of German chocolates that he would gift us among other things.

He was always so connected to every member of the family and I know that he was also always in constant communication with his loved ones, checking on everyone and offering words of encouragement when he knew they were struggling.

Helal Mama was one of the main individuals responsible for peaking my interest in Computer Sciences which is the field I am currently making career in. I am deeply indebted to him for this. It is a heavy heart that we may feel knowing he is no longer with us but to know that he is no longer in pain and, in my belief, is watching over us with other loved ones from up above... this is a comforting thought. One day iA, we will all be reunited together.

I have nothing but amazing memories of Helal Mama. I feel the grief within our family and I hope everyone finds solace from their mourning soon so yall can celebrate this amazing mans life, a man with a legacy carried on by his wife and two children; irrefutable evidence that Helal Mama won the game of life and succeeded with his time on this world.

Love you fam

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