Walter Stone Tevis

Walter Stone

San Francisco
New York City

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ZurückAus dem Kondolenzbuch: Walter Stone Tevis from The Man Who Fell To Earth

von Gerhard Rinderle am 16.08.2023 - 15:38 Uhr | melden

“The house was an immense place, isolated in a great wooded area. The building and the trees seemed wet, glistening dimly in the grey morning light that was much like the light of midday of Anthea. It was refreshing to his over-sensitive eyes. He liked the woods, the quiet sense of life in them, and the glistening moisture - the sense of water and of fruitfulness that this earth overflowed with, even down to the continual trilling and chirping sounds of the insects. It would be an endless source of delight compared to his own world, with the dryness, the emptiness, the soundlessness of the broad, empty deserts between the almost deserted cities where the only sound was the whining of the cold and endless wind that voiced the agony of his own, dying people.....”
― Walter Tevis, The Man Who Fell to Earth

“In meeting Betty Jo he had learned that there was a large substratum of society that was totally unaffected by this middle-class prototype, that a huge and indifferent mass of persons had virtually no ambitions and no values whatever.”
― Walter Tevis, The Man Who Fell to Earth

“Did they ruin your mind when they ruined your eyes, Mr Newton?’ Newton”
― Walter Tevis, The Man Who Fell to Earth

“and I live alone everywhere. Altogether”
― Walter Tevis, The Man Who Fell to Earth

Quelle :

Gerhard Rinderle
Geschenk Am 07.07.2022 angelegt.
Geschenk Am 06.07.2022 angelegt.
Geschenk Am 23.06.2022 angelegt.
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