Christian Raible



ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze rost Herz
Eine Kerze für Christian Raible

Von Deiner Mam 01.04.2023 um 21:35 Uhr | melden


Although you see the world
Different than me
Sometimes I can touch upon
The wonders that you see
And all the new colors
And pictures youve designed
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine
Child of mine
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
You dont need directions
You know which way to go
And I dont want to hold you back
I just want to watch you grow
Youre the one who taught me
You dont have to look behind
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine
Child of mine
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Nobodys gonna kill your dreams
Or tell you how to live your life
Therell always be people to make it hard for a while
But youll change their heads when they see you smile
The times you were born in
May not have been the best
But you can make the times to come
Better than the rest
I know you will be honest
If you cant always be kind
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine
Child of mine
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine
Child of mine
Oh, yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine


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