Christian Raible



ZurückAus dem Kondolenzbuch: YOUTH

von Deiner Mam am 19.07.2016 - 22:15 Uhr | melden

What if...
What if we run away?
What if...
What if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?
What if...
What if were hard to find?
What if...
What if we lost our minds?
What if we left them fall behind
And theyre never found?

And when the lights start flashing like a photo booth
And the stars exploding
Well be fireproof

My youth
My youth is yours
Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
My youth
My youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth
My youth is yours
A truth so loud you cant ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours

What if...?
What if we start to drive?
What if...?
What if we close our eyes?
What if...?
Speeding through red lights into paradise
Because weve no time for getting old
Mortal body, timeless souls
Cross your fingers, here we go

And when the lights start flashing like a photo booth
And the stars exploding
Well be fireproof

My youth
My youth is yours
Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
My youth
My youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth
My youth is yours
A truth so loud you cant ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours

Troye Sivan

Deiner Mam
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