Natalie Tamenang



ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze rot lang

Von Sister 06.05.2021 um 18:27 Uhr | melden

I dont know how to navigate a life without you
For a year I had learnt to live with your light dimmed
But whenever I got scared
I could still turn to your flame
Now the light is gone
And we are left in utter darkness
And will have to live in darkness for the rest of our lives
I dont know if I can love again
The way I have loved before
If I even want to love
When I dont want to live most of my days
You knew me better than I know myself
Loved me more than I have ever loved myself
And it is foolish of me to have relied on you so much
And let you rely on me so much
Until even I wasnt enough anymore
To hold you with the living
I dont know who to be without you
I dont want to be someone
Who has to live without your love
I dont want to be
Without you
Yet I still carry on
Pretending this world still holds a future for me
That there are still dreams out here that can be fulfilled
That there is still love to satisfy my bleeding heart
I dont recognize myself anymore
Am trying to be someone
Who didnt love you
Who didnt know you
So that I may survive
Your loss
I would have given anything for you
And that notion is the only thing strong enough to bind me to the world of the living
Because you loved me
And believed in a better future for me
And even now that you are gone
I love you enough
To try to believe that too
